This guide will help you set up an obfs4 bridge to help censored users connect to the Tor network. The requirements are:

  1. 24/7 Internet connectivity
  2. The ability to expose TCP ports to the Internet (make sure that NAT doesn't get in the way)

Note 1: If you're running a platform that is not listed on this page, you can compile obfs4 from source. Note that the project was renamed to lyrebird.

Note 2: If you're planning to turn an existing but non-bridge relay into a bridge relay, changing IP address, name and fingerprint is advised to avoid easy discovery and blocklisting by ISPs or governments.

Void Linux

How to deploy an obfs4 bridge on Void Linux

Arch Linux

How to deploy an obfs4 bridge on Arch Linux


How to deploy an obfs4 bridge on CentOS/RHEL


How to deploy an obfs4 bridge on Windows


How to find your bridge in Relay Search and connect manually

Debian / Ubuntu

How to deploy an obfs4 bridge on Debian / Ubuntu


How to deploy an obfs4 bridge using a docker container


How to deploy an obfs4 bridge on DragonflyBSD


How to deploy an obfs4 bridge on Fedora


How to deploy an obfs4 bridge on FreeBSD


How to deploy an obfs4 bridge on NetBSD


How to deploy an obfs4 bridge on OpenBSD


How to deploy an obfs4 bridge on OpenSUSE